Project Glimpses
Afghanistan: The Organization for the Advancement of Afghan Women (OAAW) maintains the only out-patient clinic servicing villages in the Afghanistan central region. Twelve employees run the clinic including 2 physicians, a dentist and a pharmacist. The clinic provides medical care, vaccinations, education on birth control, dental care and hygiene. Medical supplies are free. The clinic performs minor surgeries (suturing cuts, incisions, draining abscess, first degree burns and circumcision of male youths). In the summer intravenous infusions are available for dehydration. In an emergency a recently acquired ambulance takes the patient to the nearest hospital 20 miles away. Dr. Tahira Homayun, president and founder of OAAW is a director of GSRF.
Moshwani Clinic

GSRF initiated a Hog-raising project in Sanglia, for the indigenous community in Cuenca, Ecuador. The community constructed a pig pen complete with water drainage and storage for feeds. The initial 14 pigs grew to 94 and distributed to members to sell or keep for backyard piggery. On his farm, Rev. Douglas Grandgeorge, president of GSRF allotted a rent-free 2- acre for the project, another acre was donated as cemetery plot to the community.
See below:
Indigenous members of Sanglia community meeting at farm residence of Rev. Grandgeorge. And Pig pen at the time of construction, Sanglia, Ecuador.

Nuestra Señora de Fátima of the Diocese of Babayoho runs a secondary school in Babahoyo, Ecuador provides complementary vocational training to 14-20 age groups.
Vocational school in Babahoyo, Ecuador

Surgeons of Hope (SoH) started a pediatric hospital in 2008 to provide indigent infant and children equal opportunity to receive life-saving surgery. In partnership with the Pediatric Heart Institute of Nicaragua in La Mascota, it intends to be the regional heart center for Central America. SoH first executive director, Philippe Lerch and its board secretary, Rev. Douglas Grandgeorge, are both director and president of GSRF, respectively.
Sunrise Foundation founded the Luceros del Amanecer, a school providing educational and social services to at-risk children and their families in the remote village of Camoapa, Nicaragua. The school also provides three meals and after-school classes, recreation, and homework tutoring. Cheryl R. Lehman, PhD, a director of GSRF is an associate of the Sunrise Foundation.
Classes at Luceros de Amenecer and students at Camoapa, Nicaragua

The Cartwheel Foundation is a major beneficiary of GSRF. Cartwheel focuses on children of Filipino ethnic minority empowering their indigenous heritage by providing access to quality education. Esmeralda O. Lyn, PhD, treasurer of GSRF is an associate of the foundation.
Indigenous children at the Cartwheel Center

Sambayan Educational Foundation, Inc., another major beneficiary of GSRF, is a fund that affords deserving girls from low-income families to enter secondary education tuition-free to compete academically for excellence.
Bukal ng Buhay Orphanage Foundation is a temporary shelter providing street children the comforts of a home, beautiful surrounding and rudimentary learning.
Mater Orphanorum Servant of the Poor, an orphanage providing full scale education to abandoned or orphaned children or victims of abuse. It provides a safe and happy environment for the children to play, learn and grow to be a responsible member of the society.
Gawad Kalinga, a nationwide effort to provide slum dwellers decent home environment sustained by corollary livelihood skills training and community housing development.
Other Projects
Vocational School in San Manual Chaparron teaches trade skills in farming and fishing activities to the young people in a municipality of 13 villages.
Fr. Grech with his students

Other Projects
Hope for Healthier Humanity provides technical and clinical education/training to medical, dental and nursing students and other healthcare providers in the Caribbean and Latin America.
Orphans International, assist Aceh, Indonesia, build and sustain 240 homes for Tsunami victims.
Orphanage in Indonesia

Other Projects
Catholic Near East Welfare Association, operates emergency relief centers in Baghdad, Basra and Mosul maintaining supplies for 40 days.
The Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar (FJKM), engage in literacy and vocational education training, village health centers and orphanage.
Living Waters of the World, install, maintain water purification system and train community leaders to carry out health hygiene program.
Water project in Madagascar

Asilo de la Milagrosa, Inc., an orphanage since 1934 dedicated to caring babies, toddlers, children and female elderly.

Chosen Children Village Foundation, a school to educate handicapped children and providing long term placement in a healthy home and community environment.
Foundation of Our Lady of Peace Mission, Inc. assists 92 Aeta Minority families build a community life of self-government and a self-sustaining economic enterprise.
Lorenzo M. Tanada Foundation helps poor deserving college graduates to pursue graduate courses in the field of law, government, economics, science and history.
Mt. Carmel Foundation provides academic education to deserving scholars in the Philippines
St. Luke's Cabiao Community Clinic, teaching clinic for med students & midwifery, component of St. Luke's College of Medicine
Rwanda - Centre for Gender, Culture & Development of Kigali Institute of Education, engage in policy development, short term training, certificate programs, community outreach and multicultural exchange.
South Africa - Religious of the Good Shepherd in Johannesburg, operates in poor villages, providing pre-and after-school programs for teenagers during vacation.
United States:
Cross Catholic Outreach Box of Joy, Inc. provides relief goods and housing to victims of earthquake, flood and tsunami victims.
Urban Technology develops financial and digital literacy skills for underserved youth.
All Star Code empowers young men with the skills, networks, and mindsets they need to create new futures through technology.
APICHA provides affordable community health care for underserved or ‘otherized’ people living in the New York City boroughs and on the lower east side of Manhattan.
Children’s Orchestra Society teaches children the language of music.
Zambia - Mazabuka Municipal Council (MMC), organized a Resource Mobilization Team to establish systems to ease raising capital grants for specific development projects.
Leadership training in Mazabuka